No one values collaboration more than cause-oriented organizations. Well, no one but Smith Haughey. Our attorneys who counsel tax-exempt and nonprofit organizations are adamant that partnership is the most beneficial approach. Armed with in-depth knowledge of the client’s mission and nonprofit law issues, we work in tandem to spot issues and develop results-oriented action plans. Our goal is always to anticipate and manage legal risks so that the board and staff can focus their energy where it belongs—on the pursuit of their mission.
Good legal advice and counsel is essential for a successful tax-exempt entity. Our lawyers are conversant with IRS regulations and the state and federal regulations that govern their operations. We help our nonprofit clients with everything from creating a nonprofit organization to securing and maintaining their tax exempt status, including organizational structure, regulatory compliance, and corporate governance issues that involve fiduciary duties and officer-director liability.
Our areas of expertise include:
- Incorporation
- Application for tax exemption
- State laws and regulations
- IRS rules and regulations
- Governance through constitutions and by-laws
- Real estate transactions
- Contract and lease review
- Collaboration agreements and merger documents
- Fundraising compliance issues
- Employment issues
- Management plans for employees and volunteers
- Financing
- Risk assessments
- Shareholder
- Senior Counsel
- Of Counsel
- Shareholder
- Shareholder